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The Community Alert Program or CAP will disseminate criminal or community information via email or fax to Eagle River area businesses. To maintain the credibility of the program and limit abuse, please adhere to the following guidelines:
1. The Eagle River PD is the host agency of CAP. All emails/faxes will be sent to or from the police department to other members of CAP.
2. CAP is not for forwards, spam or any unsolicited information.
3. CAP is an informational system and is not to report ongoing crime, if you require police assistance call (715) 1479-4343 or 911 in emergency instances.
4. Information received by CAP maybe sensitive in nature. Businesses must be careful to insure that this information is not made available to the general public.
5. If you have questions regarding CAP reports please call the Eagle River Police Department contact member Officer Anthony Justice at (715)479-4343 or voicemail (715)479-1941 ext. 243.
6. Members of CAP should not contact other members independently of the host agency to avoid system abuse.
7. Members of CAP that send information to the Eagle River P.D. (host agency) should provide a contact source for follow-up to verify the information.
8. CAP members report abuse to the Eagle River Police Department. Members who abuse the system will be removed from the contact list.
9. It is the responsibility of each member to keep this department updated as to business, email, contact or address changes that effect the CAP distribution system.
Please complete the form below. Submission of the form indicates that you agree to the guidelines listed above. CAP members will receive acknowledgement by email or fax when the system is operational.