
Anyone interested in obtaining records from the Eagle Rive Police Department may utilize the Records Request process below.  Please fill out the request, sign and date the request and mail it to us at the address listed below.


In compliance with Wisconsin Statutes, the Eagle River Police Department hereby establishes the following procedures as they apply to public records in its custody.

Organization:                Eagle River Police Department

Custodian:                     Office Manager has authority to 

                                      release certain records

Alternative Custodian:   Chief of Police, Christine Dobbs 

                                      Assistant Chief Sgt. Adam Ross

Address:                        PO Box 1269

                                      525 E. Maple St.

                                      Eagle River, WI  54521

Telephone:                (715) 479-1941

Fax:                           (715) 477-2733

A.     Request / Access to Records

Requests may be made in person, mailed, faxed or made in writing at the Eagle River Police Department.  To aid in the location of those records, the request should contain the following information:

        1)  Date of Occurrence

        2)  Location

        3)  Name of person(s) involved

        4)  Any additional information which may help to narrow the search for those records

The Department shall comply with such requests in a timely manner in the order received giving preference to criminal actions within the State of Wisconsin Court System to prosecutors and Defense attorneys.  Records requests will be accepted on Monday through Friday during business hours, excluding holidays through the Office Manager. Records may be delayed due to scheduling.

B.     Denial of Access

The Chief of Police may deny access to certain records consistent with applicable federal law, state law and City of Eagle River ordinance.

C.     Fees

        1.  No charge for government agencies conducting official business.

        2.  Nominal fee may be charged for records based upon cost of materials to supply such reports, ie cost of paper, cd or dvd.               See posted fee charge. Wisconsin statute 19.35 (3) FEES. (a) An authority may impose a fee upon the requester of a                    copy of a record which may not exceed the actual, necessary and direct cost of reproduction and transcription of the                       record, unless a fee is otherwise specifically established or authorized to be established by law.

        3. Large record requests  Nominal fee may be charged for records based upon cost of materials to supply such reports, ie                  cost of paper, cd or dvd and may include an hourly rate. See posted fee charge. Wisconsin statute 19.35 (3) FEES. (a) An              authority may impose a fee upon the requester of a copy of a record which may not exceed the actual, necessary and                    direct cost of reproduction and transcription of the record, unless a fee is otherwise specifically established or authorized                to be established by law.

        4. Fee for redaction of video services and media fee. Please be advised that a redacted video is a time consuming process.