

The City of Eagle River has been issued a permit by the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to remove deer causing a nuisance. This program is currently lead by Christine Dobbs, Chief of Police. The program, if in affect, usually runs from start of bow hunting until the end of the year.  

If you have any questions, please contact Danelle at the Eagle River Police Department at (715)479-1941 during business hours. 

Please do not place bird feeders where they are accessible to deer.


 Sec. 54-13.  Deer feeding.



(a)   Feeding of deer prohibited.  No person may feed deer through the placement of any salt block, mineral, seeds, grain, hay, fruit or vegetable material outdoors on any public or private property. 


(1)   Definition of deer feeding.  The following acts shall constitute deer feeding: 


a.   The placement of salt block, mineral, seeds, grain, hay, fruit or vegetable material in an combined quantity of greater than one-half gallon at the height of less than seven feet off the ground.


b.   The placement of salt block, mineral, seeds, grain, hay, fruit or vegetable material in a drop feeder, automatic feeder, feed bunk or similar device regardless of the height above the ground.


c.   Any other method of placing salt block, mineral, seeds, grain, hay, fruit or vegetable material out of doors, or allowing these materials to remain out of doors in a manner that would entice deer or encourage consumption by deer.


(2)   Exception.  This section shall not apply to the following situations

a.   Hunting. The placement of bait for the purposes of hunting deer subject to all other laws, ordinances, rules and regulations governing hunting and the discharge of hunting weapons.


b.   Naturally growing plants. Native and/or planted grasses, legumes, flowers, shrubs, trees, and gardens.


c.   Bird feeders.


d.   Authorized by the city. Deer feeding may be authorized on a temporary basis by the city for a specific purpose as determined by the city.



(b)   Penalties.   


(1)   Notice.  The city may, prior to issuing a citation, give notice that a violation of this section exists, however, notice is not required. 


(2)   Forfeitures.  The forfeiture for a first violation of this section, upon conviction, shall be $100.00, plus costs associated with prosecution. The forfeiture for a second violation of this section, upon conviction, shall be $200.00, plus costs of prosecution. The forfeiture for the third and all subsequent offenses shall be $300.00, plus the cost of prosecution. 


(3)   Declaration of nuisance.  Feeding of deer is declared a public nuisance under chapter 54 of this Municipal Code, and may be abated pursuant to the provision of this Municipal Code.