DIVISION 5. TEMPORARY SIGNSSec. 106-741. Restricted.
The following temporary signs shall be permitted anywhere within the city and shall not require a permit. No other portable signs shall be used.
(1) Construction signs which identify the architects, engineers, contractors and other individuals or firms involved with the construction, including any advertisement of any product and signs announcing the character of the building enterprise or the purpose for which the building is intended, during the construction period. The signs shall be confined to the site of the construction and shall be removed within 14 days at the end of construction. Construction signs shall not exceed 32 square feet in area.
(2) Real estate signs advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises or part of the premises on which the signs are displayed, up to a total area of eight square feet. Such signs shall be removed within 14 days of the sale, rental or lease of the premises or portions advertised.
(3) Political campaign signs announcing candidates seeking public office and other pertinent data are allowed four square feet for each sign. Only one sign per candidate per legally described parcel with the owner's consent are permitted. The sign shall be removed within 72 hours of the date of the election for which the sign was posted by the candidate or their designated representatives. Should a candidate or an agent of the candidate place a sign in an area or of a size which is not commensurate with this section, the candidate shall have 48 hours upon receiving notice from the city of the illegal sign to remove it. Failure to remove within a 48-hour period shall cause the zoning administrator to issue a citation for a violation of this section to the candidate.
(4) Street banners and other portable signs advertising a public entertainment or nonprofit organizational event if specially approved by the council and only for locations designated by the council, during and for ten days before and three days after the event. Proof of liability insurance in the amount set by the council shall be provided to the clerk prior to the construction of the street banner.
(5) Show window signs in a window display of merchandise when incorporated with such a display. They need not be related in content to the display.
(6) Garage, flea market and rummage sale signs, removed on a nightly basis.
(7) Banners, posters and advertising displays constructed of cloth, canvas, plastic sheets, cardboard and other like materials, and which are not permanently affixed to a structure or the ground shall only be displayed upon the premises at which promoted items are sold or distributed and/or site of promoted event, unless specifically exempted by action of the city council.
(Code 1972, § 17.19(6); Ord. No. 413, 9-10-2004; Ord. No. 422, 3-9-2005); Ord. No. 458, 4-8-2008)
Secs. 106-742--106-760. Reserved.Sec. 106-761. Regulated.
(a) No sign or light shall move, flash or make noise. (Indicators of time and temperature are exempt.) Signs that contain or consist of banners, posters, pennants, ribbons, streamers, strings of light bulbs or other similarly moving devices are prohibited. (Christmas decorations are exempt.)
(b) Signs shall not resemble, imitate or approximate the shape, form or color of traffic or railroad signs, signals or devices or use such words as "stop," "look," "danger," "go slow," "caution" or "warning." Signs shall not obstruct or interfere with the effectiveness of traffic or railroad signs, signals or devices. No sign shall be erected, relocated or maintained so as to prevent free ingress or egress from any door, window or fire escape; and no sign shall be placed so as to obstruct or interfere with traffic visibility.
(c) Permanent signs affixed to or painted upon rocks, trees, utility poles or other such structures are prohibited.
(d) No advertising signs shall be designed and erected so as to be intentionally seen or read from any water area unless authorized by a conditional permit.
(e) No signs on glass doors over one square foot are permitted.
(f) No sign or advertisement of any sort shall be affixed to any municipal property of the city without written permission from the city council.