

We are currently seeking applications for a full time law enforcement position.


Responsibilities: Eagle River Police Department, Eagle River, WI, Population 1608, Reason for Announcement: Fill immediate vacancy for a full-time police officer. Responsibilities: Duties may include traffic and crowd control, crime prevention, investigations, weapon and equipment operations and maintenance, report preparation, and enforcement of state law and local ordinances, community service and maintaining the community trust in the Eagle River Police Department.

Salary & Benefits: $25.75 to $31.63 per hour. Wisconsin retirement fund; Health/life insurance; Sick leave; Uniform maintenance allowance; Deferred compensation; Vacation; Paid holidays - 10; Personal day, gym membership and 7on/7off scheduling witha  2068 year base hours. Lateral transfer candidates, military with MOS in Law Enforcement (see State of Wisconsin accreditation guidelines) and recruit academy students considered. 


Qualifications: U.S. citizen; Minimum age - 21; Driver license; Valid driver’s license with good driving record; Good physical condition; Eligibility for Wisconsin Law Enforcement Standards Board Certification; High school diploma and 60 college credits (Associate degree/Bachelor degree - preferred). Ability to possess a firearm; No felony convictions; No domestic abuse convictions; Vision correctable to 20/20; Good verbal and written communication skills; React quickly and effectively to stressful situations; Able to work evenings, weekends, and holidays; Ability to keyboard/type accurately; Knowledge and skills in operating computers; Clear and concise speech; Ability to: multi-task, perform essential functions of this position, to use all standard law enforcement equipment; Must have WI Law Enforcement Officer Certification or to be certifiable upon hire or recruit academy student,  Lateral Transfer or MOS in Law Enforcement. 


Apply: Open Recruitment/Testing and interviewing until vacancies are filled. Submit Completed DJ-LE-330, including sections A, B and C and ACADIS Professional History report if currently employed. (DJ-LE-330 available as a download  below) and cover letter. Upload all three components and email to:  Once application, professional report and cover letter are received, you will be emailed an extensive Personal History Questionnaire and Disclosures Packet which must be completed and returned via email to continue with hiring process.

ATTN: Chief Christine Dobbs 

Email: for an application packet or download below.


Note: Screening process includes Written exam; Oral interviews; Psychological profile; Medical examination; Vision examination; Drug screening; Background investigation; Physical fitness/agility screening. AA/ADA/EOE



Full Time Police Officer

DJ-LE-330  Application available at Wilenet

 or click here to download

Also, Wisconsin has a Reciprocity Program with officers from other states and military law enforcement. This will assist veterans to become certified in Wisconsin as certified law enforcement officers. Check out the examination application packet here: